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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Advantages of Open Source Software As a User

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Open source is just another way of developing software. It's not necessarily any better or any worse than any other model to make software - just different. For users who get this type of software, though, there are some huge advantages to consider. You can tap into these advantages by downloading and using these types of programs.

First of all, this type of software is free. It doesn't cost you anything unlike other forms of software. The advantage here is long term cost. How much does one spend on a word processor over a few decades? With open source you can cut this number to no dollars spent, at least for the initial acquisition. You have money for other things in life.

Generally speaking, Open Source software is very reliable. You might think that the software is not developed by a company that there would be more bugs and flaws. When the software first comes out, like any software, there are some flaws. A key difference of this type of software is that these flaws can be fixed by anyone since the code is available for all to see. This usually means that fixes happen quickly and that the program will become more reliable as time goes on.

With Open Source there aren't any complicated licensing issues. Many users have been locked out of programs because of license issues where the program can't connect with a server to double check that the software is legitimate. Open source will never do this to you because it is free.

Open source programs are software that you can use over the long run. Sometimes companies go bankrupt and no longer sell software. With open source, there is almost always someone else who is also using the software who will continue projects to fix and enhance the code.

With open source, you may be able to protect your privacy better. You don't have to wonder if a program is spying on your habits, installing spyware, or something else malicious with it. The eyes of many programmers check this to make sure it is the case.

Almost anything that you would need in terms of software has an open project associated with it. This means that you can get whatever software you need for free. You may just need to look around a bit, and be willing to use a version of software that isn't considered "the standard" by all the folks who are willing to pay.

Herb has always had an interest in techology and software. He likes to learn about the latest tech ideas and trends. Please check out his website with information on Natuzzi leather sofas and great information on Natuzzi sofa details.

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